InetSoft Launches Style Scope Agile Edition for Free Dashboarding and Visual Analytics

Style Scope Agile Edition lets small teams share dashboards and analyses

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InetSoft Technology has launched Style Scope Agile Edition, a free version of its visualization-driven business intelligence application. This version has been developed for small teams at organizations of any size, from a business analyst or data scientist at a large multinational, that need an easier self-service option for quickly building dashboards and analyses, to small businesses and nonprofits with budgets that might preclude purchase of such enterprise-grade software.

The application allows business users to quickly and easily develop interactive dashboards and visual analyses with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Advanced visualization types ideal for multi-dimensional charting and point-and-click controls such as selection lists and ranger sliders offer greater data exploration and performance monitoring abilities than a simple spreadsheet offers.

Any dashboard or analysis can be privately shared with others using just a browser or a mobile device, setting the application apart from other free BI tools. Data can be accessed from spreadsheets and many commonly used relational databases. Setting up the software will be straightforward for anyone with power spreadsheet skills or basic knowledge of their database. Exploring an interactive data view is intuitive, and individuals can save personalized views of any shared dashboard or analysis. Limitations compared to licensed versions of InetSoft's solutions include permitting two simultaneous users and excluding enterprise user permission management functions and access to other enterprise data types.

To learn more about InetSoft’s Style Scope Agile Edition, download it, or view a demo, visit

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