JReport13.1 Enhances Interactive Dashboards with Visual Analysis, Embedded Reporting in SaaS Applications

Enables more powerful and easier data discovery.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

JReport, maker of embedded visualization and reporting software, has released JReport 13.1. The software helps users of JDashboard, a dashboard builder, embed Visual Analysis components for data discovery. JReport 13.1 also provides enhanced support for multi-tenant SaaS reporting applications and supports distributed table joins to allow data from different databases to be presented in the same dashboard or report component. Additionally, JReport 13.1 includes better usability, easier customization, and more robust security options.

Tightly integrating Visual Analysis components with JDashboard puts powerful data analysis in dashboards for analyzing data from different views. Charts, tables, crosstabs, control components (e.g., filters, parameters, etc.), and Visual Analysis can all be easily assembled within the same dashboard.

JReport 13.1 includes architectural enhancements and tools for developers to build reporting, dashboard, and analysis functionality into their SaaS applications. Multi-tenancy is now built directly into the JReport framework and allows tenant administrators to manage their own resource, security, and user policies. Whether for your internal users or external subscribers, JReport is easier than ever to deploy into your hosted applications on private, public, or hybrid cloud environments as well as on-premise servers.

JReport 13.1 is now generally available. To request a customized demo, please contact [email protected] or call (240) 477-1000. You can also view our in-depth JReport product demo anytime. 

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