Splice Machine Releases Version 1.0 of its Hadoop RDBMS

Real-time relational database for operational applications now generally available as a replacement for Oracle and MySQL databases experiencing cost or scaling issues.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Splice Machine has released its Hadoop RDBMS, a platform to build real-time, scalable applications without the burdens or costs of a traditional RDBMS. Splice Machine released its Hadoop RDBMS as a public beta offering in May 2014, engaging with over 20 different charter customers on extensive performance and functionality testing. The company used valuable datasets, queries, and feedback from these customers to guide its development of the database, incorporating features such as authentication and authorization, as well as analytic function capabilities such as window functions.

Splice Machine has worked closely with charter customers to gather valuable feedback on features and functionality most important to enterprises in a scale-out relational database. Splice Machine has added a number of important enhancements to the database for version 1.0. These include:

  • Analytic window functions: Provides advanced SQL analytic capabilities based on the SQL-2003 standard
  • Native backup and recovery: Protects against data loss
  • Bulk, parallel export: Exports query results for use in spreadsheets
  • Integration with Hadoop ecosystem: Provides HCatalog support for integration to MapReduce, Hive, Pig, and Spark
  • Authentication and authorization: Delivers LDAP authentication and column-level privileges
  • Splice Machine Console v1.0: Provides insight into query performance

For enterprise customers deploying Splice Machine v1.0, Splice Machine offers the Safe Journey program, a methodology to migrate database workloads. It implements risk-mitigation best practices and leverages commercial tools that automate most of the PL/SQL conversion process. This program encompasses comprehensive services and support, including training courses, a Kickstart package to speed implementation, and on-demand consultants to optimize ongoing operations.

“With these new features and the validation from our charter customers, we are now fully prepared to support enterprises struggling with their existing databases and looking to scale-out affordably,” said Monte Zweben, co-founder and CEO of Splice Machine. “Version 1.0 of our Hadoop RDBMS, in combination with our Safe Journey program, is a platform that enterprises can confidently go live on.”

Product Availability

A standalone version of the Splice Machine Hadoop RDBMS, version 1.0, is now available for download at

The Splice Machine database is available for licensing at a per node price that includes 24/7 technical support.

For more information about Splice Machine, please visit

About Splice Machine

Splice Machine’s Hadoop RDBMS is designed to scale real-time applications using commodity hardware without application rewrites. The Splice Machine database is a modern, scale-out alternative to traditional RDBMSs, such as Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server, that can deliver over a 10x improvement in price/performance. As a full-featured Hadoop RDBMS with ACID transactions, the Splice Machine database helps customers power real-time applications and operational analytics, especially as they approach big data scale.

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