BackOffice Associates Releases Data Stewardship Platform, Application Suite

Provides accelerated, comprehensive approach to data quality management and data migration.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

BackOffice Associates, LLC, a company specializing in data migration and information governance solutions, has released its Data Stewardship Platform (DSP) and Application Suite, the next generation of BackOffice’s services and solutions. The DSP helps data stewards take control of managing their mission-critical information during enterprise data quality, governance, and migration projects.

The BackOffice DSP is a unified, comprehensive platform designed specifically to reduce time, effort, and complexity for ERP customers as they address data quality issues in master or business application data. The DSP accelerates time to value in data management initiatives and reduces complexity for data stewards and managers through a guided application experience.

Key Features and Benefits of the DSP

  • A platform approach for applications, methodology, workflow, domain content, underlying integration, and management functions assures consistency, reliability, and security in the performance and ongoing development of enterprise data management
  • Application Suite includes specific solutions for data quality, data migration and information governance
  • A modern web portal centralizes issues and data organization
  • Built-in domain expertise (Business Reference Model) jumpstarts productivity in industries and lines of business
  • A launch pad for rapid, agile development
  • Deep BackOffice Associates methodology built into the platform for data migration and data quality
  • The investment in your existing applications and systems is leveraged – the DSP extends access and conversion knowledge to hundreds of legacy data sources
  • Data activities are managed by the business user for knowledgeable control over business data


The DSP and Application Suite are available now through BackOffice Associates. Visit for details. 

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