dBase Launches Online Service Offering Access to Trusted, Public Datasets

Datasets provide timely information that can transform big data into actionable information.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

dBase, LLC has introduced dBaseDATA, an online service that provides access to a wide variety of trusted datasets produced by many of the world’s leading organizations, governments, and statistical data warehouses. dBaseDATA provides data that is timely and essential to give organizations a more complete data landscape, and ultimately make more informed business decisions.

Businesses need current data in formats they can consume. dBase’s system obtains publically available data, analyzes it, categorizes it, and then produces it in the most needed formats, including SQLLite, DBF, and XLS. Other formats may be added based on customer need.   

“Today the term big data means a lot of different things. Regardless of the definition, the underlying challenge isn’t that organizations have too much or too little data, it’s that they don’t have complete data, which makes it difficult to leverage the data in ways that can positively impact their business,” said Mike Rozlog, president and CEO of dBase, LLC. 

“With dBaseDATA we’re filling in the blanks. The new service enables organizations to easily augment their existing data landscape, and turn this combined data into actionable information. This gives organizations a more complete information chain to make contextual, critical decisions in a timely manner.”

In most cases, looking for data, determining if the data is relevant, and then transforming the data into a useful format takes days, if not weeks, of work for one or more people. dBaseDATA can help turn data into actionable information in hours or minutes. dBaseDATA datasets can be leveraged in three primary ways:

  • Augmentation: In this instance, the dataset is uploaded and inserted into existing databases and used alongside existing information to enhance queries. 

  • Research: A timely research effort may require additional data to make a key decision clearer.  In such instances, the user may need to know something that one particular dataset contains, either as a straight lookup value or derived as a calculated value.

  • Lookup: In addition to enhanced research and analysis, sometimes options must be presented to the users who access existing applications and solutions.  This could be by adding depth or relative information or by shortening the time a user takes to input data by providing more meaningful drop-down values.

Pricing per dataset ranges from $9.95 to $499 depending on the size and complexity of the dataset. Current datasets offered include financial, demographic, population, crime, and lookup data. Additional datasets will be added frequently. dBase can also create custom datasets. For more information or to search available datasets, visit

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