ParAccel’s Analytic Offload Solutions Target Oracle, Teradata Database Customers

Solutions offer high-performance analytics for data warehouses.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

ParAccel, a provider of enterprise analytics platforms, had released two new analytic offload solutions that bring high-performance analytics to existing data warehouse installations.

The ParAccel Analytic Offload Solutions for Oracle and Teradata are a combination of the ParAccel Analytic Platform and a set of services that will help companies identify and then move analytic workloads from overworked data warehouses and large data marts to ParAccel’s Analytic Platform. Both solutions free up data warehouse resources and provide an environment for unconstrained analytics, allowing both IT and business analysts to invest more time and resources on strategic business initiatives.

As a core component to these solutions, ParAccel also announced the general availability of the ParAccel On Demand Integration Module for Teradata and ParAccel ODBC On Demand Integration (“ODI”) Module for Oracle. These ODIs allow companies to seamlessly connect ParAccel Analytic Platform to an existing data warehouse or data mart and immediately receive dramatically better performance for their analytic workloads.

Offloading analytic workloads, which can account for up to 80 percent of the administrative overhead, will free up the data warehouse to support operational reporting and dashboards. In addition, the new platform enables unconstrained analytics where analysts are free to explore entire data sets as required by the business.

Specifically targeted to support Teradata and Oracle data warehouse customers, the new On Demand Integration Modules are built to give analysts inline access to data in the data warehouse:

  • ParAccel On Demand Integration Module for Teradata provides inline data access using Teradata FastExport utility and offers high-speed, parallel data movement from data warehouse to analytic platform.

  • ParAccel ODBC On Demand Integration Module features inline data access to any relational database source, including Oracle, as well as standards-based access to structured data.

More information is available at

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