Global IDs Introduces New Data Governance Appliance

"Out-of-the-box" data governance solution for SMBs.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Global IDs, Inc. a data governance and master data management (MDM) software provider, has released its new Data Governance Appliance. The solution is an integrated hardware and software solution for small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to address their data governance needs.

The appliance enables SMBs to get their environment up and running quickly. This is ideal for organizations that cannot afford a large software license to manage their environment or for those organizations that might have a smaller number of data sources that require governance. The primary user for the appliance will be enterprise data architects, data quality managers, and data warehouse managers.

A key advantage of the appliance is its ease of use. Customers who purchase the Data Governance Appliance would literally take it out of the box, power it up, and plug it into their network. Once the Web portal has been configured and connected to company databases, users across the organization would have immediate capability to govern its data in a largely automated manner.

The appliance is a comprehensive data governance solution with full functionality for governing workflow. The Appliance provides capabilities for data discovery, profiling, classification, mapping, validation, stewardship, and monitoring.

For SMBs, these product capabilities provide a true plug-and-play solution. The product is listed at a lower price point than larger enterprise solutions while providing adequate functionality for SMBs to govern their data sources. It also enables a company to integrate the system rapidly and is easy-to-use for any system user. The appliance requires limited tech support and administration and minimum configuration is needed.

The new product is available in two versions. Pilot is an all-in-one unit that fits on the desktop. The Production version is a workstation that can be installed in a cubicle, closet, or a rack mounted appliance for organizations that require hardware to be in a raised floor environment.

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