Revolution R Enterprise Delivers New Capabilities for Big Data Analytics

Revolution Analytics introduces distributed computing, flexible data import, and conversion to enable scalable data management and advanced data analysis for multiple users.

Note: TDWI'seditors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Revolution Analytics, a commercial provider of R software, services and support, today released Revolution R Enterprise 5.0, its signature software package for R-based enterprise-class data analytics. The new version of Revolution R introduces key new features for analyzing big data sets and includes support for integrating data from alternate platforms including SAS, SPSS, and relational databases via ODBC. R developers can now better leverage Revolution R to analyze large data sets and securely deploy R applications to multiple users, across multiple machines.

Specific upgrades in Revolution R Enterprise 5.0 include:

  • Distributed/Parallel Computing: Automatically distribute statistical analyses from a desktop across nodes of a cluster through Windows HPC server and distribute R function calls across nodes

  • Scalable Data Management: Increase flexibility in data analysis with new data import and cleaning/manipulation tools

  • Integration with Hadoop: Support MapReduce programming in R and integration with HDFS and HBASE with Cloudera Certified Technology

  • Expanded Scalable Analytics Functionality: Apply new big data statistics algorithms including principal components analysis, factor analysis, and contingency table analysis

  • Enhanced R Productivity Environment: Create and build R packages with expanded support features

  • Enhanced RevoDeployR Server: Add multiple compute nodes to support more users, batch execution of large analysis jobs, and LDAP enterprise security support

  • Upgraded Open Source R: Revolution R 5.0 includes the fully-patched R 2.13.2, which features a new byte-compiler to improve performance of user-written functions and packages

Revolution Analytics is helping organizations meet the challenge of big data by providing an enterprise-ready R platform for sorting, processing, and analyzing complex data sets of all kinds for better business insights. This latest release comes less than two months after Revolution Analytics announced its formal partnership with Cloudera that brings the power and flexibility of R to Apache Hadoop for more effective analysis of large data sets.

More information is available here.

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