Toad for Cloud Databases Addresses Big Data Skills Shortage

Free download has broader NoSQL support, data-transfer capabilities for Oracle and Hadoop.

Note: TDWI's editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

The data management industry is experiencing more disruption than at any other time in more than 20 years. Technologies involving cloud, Hadoop, and NoSQL are changing the way people manage and analyze data, but the general lack of skill sets required to manage these new technologies continues to be a significant barrier to mainstream adoption.

IT departments are left without a clear understanding of whether development and DBA teams, whose expertise lies with traditional technology platforms, can effectively support these new systems. Toad for Cloud Databases addresses the skill-set shortage head-on, empowering database professionals to directly apply their existing skills to emerging Big Data systems through an easy-to-use and familiar SQL-based interface for managing non-relational data.

Toad for Cloud Databases is now available as a fully functional, commercial-grade product, for free here. Toad for Cloud Databases enables users to generate queries, migrate, browse, and edit data, as well as create reports and tables in a familiar SQL view. By simplifying these tasks, Toad for Cloud Databases opens the door to a wider audience of developers, allowing more IT teams to experience the productivity gains and cost benefits of NoSQL and Big Data.

Quest’s connector between Oracle and Hadoop, available within Toad for Cloud Databases, delivers a fast and scalable method for data transfer between Oracle and Hadoop in both directions. The bidirectional characteristic of the utility enables organizations to take advantage of Hadoop’s lower cost of storage and analytical capabilities. Quest also contributed the connector to the Apache Hadoop project as an extension to the existing SQOOP framework, and is also available as part of Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop.

Toad for Cloud Databases today supports:

  • Apache Hive
  • Apache HBase
  • Apache Cassandra
  • MongoDB
  • Amazon SimpleDB
  • Microsoft Azure Table Services
  • Microsoft SQL Azure
  • All Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-enabled relational databases (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, etc.)

More information is available at

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