Noetix Ships NoetixViews 6.1 for Oracle E-Business Suite

Latest release includes new views with key performance, security, and administration enhancements.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Noetix Corp. has released NoetixViews for Oracle E-Business Suite version 6.1. The update includes new views and key performance, security, and administration enhancements for faster, easier, operational reporting.

The latest release of NoetixViews includes new views for supplier-customer netting and item orderability (both features new to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12), item demand and supply, payables invoice aging, and more. For customers who define their own invoice aging buckets, the new view for aging is automatically configured with columns for the buckets of each aging period defined in the system.

Many Noetix customers use security rules to restrict users to financial data consistent with their duties within the organization. With NoetixViews 6.1, users with multiple responsibilities for different ledgers and with different security rules can now query data from all their ledgers and have all the security rules assigned to them enforced on a single report for fast, secure data access.

For Noetix customers who have created parent-child hierarchies for use in Oracle Financial Statement Generator (FSG) reports, the latest release of NoetixViews now extends these hierarchies to the customer’s BI tool of choice via Noetix Generator. Noetix Generator automates the manually-intensive process of creating the data models for leading BI platforms (including SAP BusinessObjects, IBM Cognos BI, Oracle BI, and Oracle Discoverer) with the objects necessary to develop reports against Oracle E-Business Suite. Users can now create financial and management reports with automatic drilling on their natural account, cost center, or any segment of their chart of accounts. These reporting structures created for financial statements can now be used in day-to-day operational and management reporting.

More information is available at

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