StarQuery 4.0 Offers a Multi-Database, Multi-Dimensional BI Solution

Features fast, in-memory, simultaneous multiple database reporting.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Symtrax, a multiplatform reporting solutions vendor, has released a major new version of its business intelligence solution: StarQuery 4.0 that now allows simultaneous data retrieval from any combination of multiple databases, allowing data from multiple databases to be combined into reports in an easy and secure way. The update also contains a new “in-memory” feature that accelerates data retrieval rates.

StarQuery 4.0;s graphical interface empowers end users to create and distribute reports without using SQL or requiring knowledge of the underlying database(s). Using StarQuery’s MapDesigner module, IT staff create an operational mapping of corporate data from multiple data sources and combine it into a single view that end-users access using Excel, or the Web and create reports with just few clicks.

StarQuery 4.0 employs an in-memory technology that accelerates the processing of data and allows for simultaneous processing of multiple queries against various relational databases. The new In-memory technology loads datasets from one or more databases minimizing resource requirements on production servers while delivery real time data access.

StarQuery 4.0 installation takes a few minutes and requires no data warehousing or modifications to existing infrastructure. StarQuery 4.0 rapidly delivers dynamic analysis of multidimensional data. Full company wide deployment often takes only a few weeks.

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