VectorWise Enables Data Analysis for Windows Business Workers

Powerful analytics and interactive reporting on big data sets.

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Ingres has released VectorWise for Windows, addressing the needs of frustrated users of Microsoft technology by providing powerful analytics and interactive reporting against big data sets for companies with Windows-based architectures.

This release of VectorWise features full support for Windows 2008 and Windows 7 and has been developed specifically to meet requests from the industry to have access to data analysis technology from every desktop and server. For organizations working with Microsoft Windows, the ability to run affordable analytics at speed, across various data silos has been limited.

VectorWise is an analytic database that enables business users to uncover deep insights from their data rapidly. Whether analyzing streaming financial data, determining real-time point-of-sale information in retail, or analyzing user behaviour on social media Web sites, VectorWise helps companies of all sizes better realize the value of their data without the overhead associated with traditional analytic databases.

For Microsoft users, VectorWise provides the level of data exploration that has only been in the hands of companies with big hardware and software budgets. VectorWise has been available for Linux since inception; Windows users, who represent the majority of business users, now can enjoy speed-of-thought analytics is now available to the masses.

More information is available at

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