Boomi AtomSphere Summer '10 Delivers Community-Driven Suggestion Wizard for Application Integration

New release showcases the advantages of multi-tenant SaaS

Note: TDWI’s editors carefully choose vendor-issued press releases about new or upgraded products and services. We have edited and/or condensed this release to highlight key features but make no claims as to the accuracy of the vendor's statements.

Boomi has released AtomSphere Summer '10, the newest version of its integration platform, Boomi AtomSphere. The release features a suggestion wizard for data mapping that is able to tap into the knowledge of an entire user community that includes the thousands of data maps created on the AtomSphere platform. By leveraging every data map created by and for the AtomSphere community, the wizard, called Boomi Suggest, provides users with the ability to recommend and automatically generate mappings. Users can also utilize Boomi Suggest to benchmark their maps against the community to ensure they are following best practices for integration.

Additionally, AtomSphere Summer '10 includes a new user interface built in HTML5, providing advanced user management functionality with custom roles and enhanced configuration management capabilities. These upgrades were based on specific feedback from the Boomi community of developers, partners, ISVs, and end users.

As users build and deploy integrations, the data maps used in those integrations are anonymously indexed. When new integrations are built, Boomi Suggest recommends mappings based on powerful ranking algorithms that weight suggestions based on similarity and relationships of data fields. Users then review and approve the suggestions and the data map is automatically generated, typically with 80 percent of the required mappings. Every time a new data map is created on the AtomSphere platform its fields are added to Boo-mi Suggest (with no tie to the actual data being mapped) to continuously improve the wizard's "intelligence" and improve the accuracy of the mapping suggestions.

Additionally, Boomi continues to tap its community to drive upgrades and add functionality for AtomSphere. The multi-tenant architecture approach shortens the development and deployment time for these updates meaning end users can see real product evolution with each release. Other new features in AtomSphere Summer '10 include:

  • An updated user interface built using HTML5 which also incorporates numerous enhancement requests from the Boomi community

  • A new rollback feature for building integration processes. Users can now roll back to any prior version of an integration process

  • Advanced user management capabilities with ability to create custom roles

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