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Practical Data Literacy for Leaders

Duration: Half Day Course

Prerequisite: None

Course Outline

Study after study confirm a simple truth: organizations that consistently use data to make decisions have better outcomes. The future of business will be data-driven. However, simply providing access to data is not enough to generate these dividends.

Organizations have made tremendous investments in self-service business intelligence infrastructures, yet becoming truly data-driven has proven elusive. To be competitive, organizations must be able to use data to make optimal decisions. To be competitive, organizations must be data-literate.

This half-day course is specifically designed to train organizational leaders to build data literacy in their business. Leaders will learn the practicalities of building a data-literate organization, how to identify the 20% of organizational data literacy that delivers 80% of ROI, and how data literacy can be iteratively rolled out to an organization in a practical manner.

You Will Learn

  • Why data literacy matters
  • A working definition of data literacy
  • The four levels of analytics
  • Where true data literacy begins
  • Process-centric thinking
  • How to answer the fundamental question
  • How to read and analyze data
  • How to measure processes
  • The power of KPIs
  • The dark side of KPIs
  • How to analyze KPIs
  • How to make truly data-driven decisions
  • How to implement practical data literacy in the organization
  • Additional resources

Geared To

  • Executives
  • Managers
  • Senior individual contributors (e.g., leads and architects)
  • Data literacy stakeholders

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