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 See the most recent articles below.

MIT Sloan Data Tools and Programs Aid Healthcare, State Policy Makers

Data analytics and modeling enable policymakers and responders to see where outbreaks are occurring and where they might occur next.

Couchbase Helps Enterprises Embrace a Hybrid Cloud Strategy with Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes 2.0

Version 2.0 introduces enterprise-grade autonomous database management capabilities including security, monitoring, high availability, and manageability.

New PostgreSQL Acceleration Software Boosts Open Source Database Performance

Swarm64 DA 4.0 accelerates PostgreSQL performance 20x or more to help expand use of open source in data warehousing, data science, and other analytics projects.

Actian Launches Real-Time Connected Cloud Data Warehouse Solution

New solution delivers substantial cost savings for enterprises big and small.

FullContact Launches Real-Time, Persistent, Whole-Person Identifier

Creates unified consumer profiles from online and offline databases to create segmentation and personalized customer experiences; embeds within your infrastructure.

IT Spending Remains Strong for Data and Business Analytics Initiatives

Most IT operations and DevOps leaders expect to either accelerate or maintain digital transformation initiatives through the global pandemic.

Machine Learning Models Predict COVID-19 Impact in Smaller Cities

Adapted to smaller populations, models show pandemic peak under differing social distancing levels.

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