Business Intelligence Journal | Vol. 20, No. 1
TDWI Member Exclusive

March 16, 2015

As TDWI turns 20 this year, we’ve adopted a mission statement that sums up what we’re all about: advancing all things data. This issue of the Business Intelligence Journal reflects this mission by highlighting several aspects of data, especially big data.

Senior editor Hugh J. Watson examines how the adoption of big data is leading to interest in other data-related approaches and technologies, from data lakes and sandboxes to data labs and data scientists. Big data is having an impact in other ways. Ravi Chandran describes an intersection of technologies that allow us to keep (and work with) data in the cloud.

Does big data mean the end of traditional data warehouse architectures? Dai Clegg argues that given the myriad of advanced technologies and new data sources, it’s increasingly vital that we adopt a use-case-driven approach to data analytics architectures.

Emerging technologies are moving enterprises to a new wave of real-time, big data applications with advanced features (such as being able to make semiautonomous operational decisions). Sami Akbay takes a closer look at this revolution in decision making.

Several articles in this issue focus on data and its impact on organizations. Joe Sremack looks at the role of your data warehouse team in responding to legal requests for data. Paige Roberts explains why big data has forced enterprises to consider (and face the downsides of) data sampling. Michael Tomasura describes a multi-perspective, interdisciplinary communication approach to help your organization better collaborate on building BI and DW models.

Linda Briggs’s BI case study details how a financial and life insurance company delivered powerful, accessible BI data and describes how the company overcame the project’s governance challenge. Amber DeBroux and Chris Reed offer best practices for establishing a data integrity solution so users can trust your data warehouse. Nolan Ramsey offers one simple question analysts can ask users to break through requirements-gathering roadblocks.

As always, we welcome your comments. Please send them to [email protected].

James E. Powell
Editorial Director
Business Intelligence Journal


  • Data Lakes, Data Labs, and Sandboxes
    Hugh J. Watson
  • DW-On-Demand: The Data Warehouse Redefined in the Cloud
    Ravi Chandran
  • Breaking the BI Requirements Loop
    Nolan Ramsey
  • Evolving Data Warehouse and BI Architectures: The Big Data Challenge
    Dai Clegg
  • How Big Data Applications Are Revolutionizing Decision Making
    Sami Akbay
  • BI Solution Helps Bring Data to Life
    Linda L. Briggs
  • Data Sampling for the Right Reasons
    Paige Roberts
  • Responding to a Legal Data Request: The Role of the Data Warehouse Team
    Joe Sremack
  • Business Intelligence Design Using an Interdisciplinary Approach
    Michael Tomasura
  • How to Build Trust in Your Data Warehouse
    Amber DeBroux and Chris Reed

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