LESSON - Advantages of a Software-Based Data Sharing Solution

By Richard Krause,Senior Product Marketing Manager, Vision Solutions, Inc.

Traditional methods of data integration might work for some situations, but could take months to plan and implement. During that time, many changes can occur in your company, your marketplace, and your IT environment, which may impact the scope of the project and lengthen the delivery schedule.

Can your business afford to invest the time and budget resources when speed and flexibility have become competitive advantages? What if you could effortlessly replicate data from legacy DB2 databases into Oracle, Informix, and SQL databases and back again without custom programming or large-scale integration costs? What if you could share data from one application to another in real time and could be assured that the data would be in the exact format the application and users needed?

Would it help if you could make it easier to add a new customer, update an inventory balance, or delete a stock item by having each of those applications share the same information? What would your environment—and the business—gain if you could break down isolated silos of user data and give everyone across the business the same effortless access? What if you could be confident that the right data is reaching the right people so you could spend your time on other pressing IT/business alignment issues?

As executives look to you for cost-effective ways to handle the latest government mandated regulations, data security, and accessibility, would it help if you could meet those demands without costly data quality and integration projects? What if you could accomplish this without discarding your investment in existing systems and databases?

Why Software-Based Data Sharing/ Replication Tools?

Simplified, on-demand, enterprise-wide data sharing with a software-based replication solution fits your needs if you want to quickly solve pressing and ongoing data integration issues between critical applications such as Oracle/PeopleSoft, Siebel, SAP, ERP, and Web and CRM applications. For example, you might need to integrate disparate databases and many critical applications but cannot afford to consolidate them or embark on an expensive application integration project.

Such solutions make data available wherever and whenever it is needed—from and between Oracle, SQL, DB2, Sybase, and other databases simultaneously (and back again if needed). They can solve integration problems between database or application silos that result from recent acquisitions or mergers. They can transform data into usable business information regardless of where it currently resides and which application needs it.

Software-based data sharing/replication solutions can work well in your environment if you want to spend a minimum amount of time setting up and managing the data sharing process. These tools save time and money because they are database driven rather than programming driven. Simplified, on-demand, enterprise data sharing with a software-based replication solution also fully leverages the flexibility of open standards technology into your database management strategies. That can result in fast adaptability to IT changes and future growth plans. It suits companies that need a cost-effective, nonprogram- specific solution with a fast ROI.

Break Through Database Barriers and Do More

Vision Solutions’ Replicate1 replicates data between and among databases in real time or on a schedule using transaction-based or snapshot copy replication. It recognizes data changes when they happen, so it enables real-time replication. Advanced options manage broadcast/cascade replication to conserve network resources, saving you money.

It works with the most popular RDBSs, including Oracle, DB2/UDB, DB2/400, DB2/VMS, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, and Sybase. This minimizes the need for costly database and application integration. For example, you can set up Replicate1 to transform Oracle data into the exact format needed for DB2 or SQL server databases and applications. Simultaneously, it can transform DB2 and SQL server data into Oracle data types.

For a free white paper on this topic, click here and choose the title “Get the Facts: Real-Time, On-Demand Information for Business Intelligence and Data Integration.”

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