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Integrating Hadoop into Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing

Webinar Abstract

TDWI recognizes that Hadoop usage is a minority practice today, but assumes that mainstream usage of Hadoop within business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing (DW) applications will become common across many industries within a few years. This Webinar provides an overview of Hadoop products and best practices in the context of BI/DW applications so that user organizations can prepare to integrate Hadoop into their BI/DW technology stacks and software portfolios successfully.

The content of the Webinar is based on the research findings of a new Best Practices Report by TDWI’s Philip Russom called “Integrating Hadoop into Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing.” That report was sponsored by vendor firms Cloudera, EMC Greenplum, Hortonworks, ParAccel, SAP, SAS, Tableau Software, and Teradata.

In this Webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What Hadoop technologies are and can do for BI/DW
  • Common types of analytic applications that Hadoop technologies enable
  • Adjustments that Hadoop-based analytics with big data requires of practices in data integration, metadata management, query optimization, data warehouse architecture, and so on

Philip Russom, Ph.D.

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