

Earn a Certificate

TDWI Transform 2025

San Diego | Aug. 18–22

Course Description

M7 Machine Learning Bootcamp // Hands-On: Machine Learning with Python Made Easy - No, Really!

August 18, 2025

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Duration: Full Day

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Prerequisite: None

David Langer


Dave on Data

Getting started with AI and machine learning can be intimidating. Where do I start? How much math do I need? What algorithms should I use? The good news is that getting started with machine learning is easy—no really, it is!

In this hands-on course, you will be provided with all the fundamentals for understanding and effectively training predictive models using the mighty random forest algorithm. Focusing on core concepts and intuitions means that no complicated math is required.

With this understanding, you'll be equipped to tackle the next topics: feature importance and feature engineering. We'll wrap up the day by discussing how to determine if your model is any good. Lastly, you will be given a road map of suggested topics to take on as you continue your data science journey.

This is part of an optional Machine Learning Bootcamp. Learn more about the courses offered, or attend this individual course.

You Will Learn

  • Machine learning to solve classification problems
  • The decision tree algorithm, including pros/cons
  • The mighty random forest algorithm and how it "fixes" decision trees
  • How to evaluate your random forest for accuracy
  • Feature importance and feature engineering using random forests
  • How to analyze your feature engineering efforts—did they work?
  • Additional resources to extend your learning

Geared To

  • Business and data analysts
  • BI and analytics developers and managers
  • Business users
  • Aspiring data scientists
  • Anyone interested in using machine learning to analyze business data

No skills in advanced mathematics or statistics are required!


Registrants must be familiar with Python and Python Notebooks or complete a complimentary online course before the conference. Access to the four-hour online course "Python Quick Start" will be provided to registrants three weeks before the event.

Laptop Setup

Students must bring their laptops to class.

Note on Corporate Laptops:

This course requires installation of software, as well as the ability to download data files, library files, and code.

If your corporate laptop blocks these activities:

  • Contact your IT department early for assistance in preparing your laptop
  • Or bring and use a personal device instead

Machine Requirements:

  • Windows or Max OS X
  • 64-bit operating system
  • 8 GB available RAM, 16 GB preferred
  • 4 GB of HD space for Anaconda Python installation

Anaconda Python is used in this course because it is free, easy to install, and has all the needed libraries.


Instructions will be emailed to registrants prior to the event to prepare your laptop BEFORE the conference.

There is no time allotted in class for laptop preparation.

* Enrollment is limited to 40 attendees.

Register Online

Rest easy—online registrations for this conference are secure. Our secured server environment keeps your information private.

TDWI Transform 2025 San Diego

Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel
1 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA 92101
August 18–22