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Course Description

Keynote // Creating Dashboards that Users Actually Like

December 2, 2020

9:00 am - 9:30 am

Prerequisite: None

Nick Desbarats

Independent Educator and Consultant

Practical Reporting Inc.

Many dashboards fail to satisfy users. They complain that dashboards contain too much information, or not enough. Problems don't get noticed because they're not visually flagged, hidden behind clicks, or simply missing. Basic questions such as, "Does anything require my attention at the moment?" require minutes or hours of clicking through drilldowns, filters, and tabs to answer reliably. Unsurprisingly, many dashboards end up being under-used or abandoned entirely after just a few months. In this eye-opening talk, independent educator and consultant Nick Desbarats reveals the real reasons why so many dashboards fail to satisfy users; reasons that go far deeper than the visual design on which most dashboard books and courses tend to focus.