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Information Dashboards: Requirements, Design, and Deployment

A TDWI Certificate Track

Virtual Classroom
July 15–17, 2024
9:00am – 5:00pm CT

virtual seminars

TDWI Information Dashboard Design: Dashboard Development and Performance Management

July 16, 2024

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Duration: Full Day Class

Prerequisite: None

Rich Fox

Analytics Consultant and Educator

Course Outline

Information dashboards are an essential modern method for delivering information and intelligence. Dashboards range from local and individual dashboards developed using self-service BI tools to enterprise dashboards engineered, implemented, and supported by BI and IT organizations. Whether you are developing dashboards for local use or for enterprise performance management, careful dashboard design is critical for delivering valuable insight and preventing damaging misinformation. Dashboard developers need to understand measurement concepts, data visualization principles, user interface design, and much more.

Register today for TDWI's dashboard design course.

You Will Learn

  • How to identify, define, and select measures, metrics, and performance indicators for business impact
  • Frameworks for dashboard development
  • The processes, deliverables, and techniques of dashboard engineering
  • The processes, deliverables, and techniques of self-service dashboard development
  • How to combine dashboards and scorecards for performance management
  • How Balanced Scorecard and strategy mapping techniques are used to identify and define business-aligned KPIs

Geared To

  • Enterprise dashboard developers
  • Self-service dashboard developers
  • Dashboard and scorecard designers and developers
  • BI architects and program/project managers

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Information Dashboards: Requirements, Design, and Deployment

July 15–17, 2024