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TDWI Transform 2024

Orlando | Oct. 20–25

Course Description

F5 Machine Learning Bootcamp // Hands-On: Text Analytics with Python Made Easy!NEW!

October 25, 2024

8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Duration: Full Day

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Prerequisite: See below

David Langer


Dave on Data

This course is a hands-on introduction to text analytics using Python. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of building pipelines that clean and transform text documents into formats that can be fed to clustering and classification machine learning algorithms.

Although this course contains some mathematics, the level of math is accessible to a broad audience and the focus is on concepts, not calculations.

This is part of an optional Machine Learning Bootcamp. Learn more about the courses offered, or attend this individual course.

You Will Learn

  • Representing text documents using the bag of words model
  • Tokenization
  • Stopword removal
  • Stemming and lemmatization
  • Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
  • N-grams
  • Term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF)
  • Grouping text documents based on similarity
  • Classifying text documents
  • Additional resources for honing skills

Geared To

  • Business and data analysts
  • BI and analytics developers and managers
  • Business users
  • Aspiring data scientists
  • Anyone interested in using text analytics with their business data


Registrants must be familiar with Python and Python Notebooks or complete a complimentary online course before the conference. Access to the 3-hour online course "Python Quick Start" will be provided to registrants three weeks prior to the event.

No background in advanced mathematics or statistics is required.

Laptop Setup

Students must bring their laptops to class.

Machine Requirements:

  • Windows or Max OS X
  • 64-bit operating system
  • 8 GB available RAM, 16 GB preferred
  • 4 GB of HD space for Anaconda Python installation

Anaconda Python is used in this course because it is free, easy to install, and has all the needed libraries.


Laptop setup is required BEFORE the conference. Instructions will be emailed to registrants before the event.

There is no time allotted in class for laptop preparation.

* Enrollment is limited to 40 attendees.

Register Online

Rest easy—online registrations for this conference are secure. Our secured server environment keeps your information private.

TDWI Orlando

Rosen Centre Hotel
9840 International Drive
Orlando, Florida 32819
October 20–25, 2024