Wednesday, August 05, 2015 |
News Highlights
Bob Potter
Three important ways analytics can be
an integral part of the Internet of things.
Ulrik Pedersen
Driving your business into the future
requires a cultural change. Becoming a data-driven organization
takes time and a companywide commitment to infuse analytics into all
operations, but the hard work can pay off.
Linda Briggs
An executive VP with CallidusCloud
explains that sales force compensation data holds many secrets about
sales staff performance. Shining the power of BI and analytics onto
sales performance data can yield tremendous results.
Quint Turner
Online articles of interest in the last
week include a focus on shadow BI projects, sampling and big data
analytics, and data streams and storage.
TDWI Webinar Series:
Fern Halper
Join a lively panel of experts including
representatives from Tangoe, SAP, and TDWI to discuss real-time
streaming analytics, including what stream processing is and why it
is important, use cases for streaming, how enterprises analyze data
in streams, and business process impacts of stream
processing. |
Upcoming Webinars of Interest
This Webinar will provide an overview of
predictive and other advanced analytics, trends in predictive
analytics, and what it all means for the business analyst, including
an overview of predictive and advanced analytics, trends in
analytics and advanced analytics, and the skills needed to perform
Fern Halper
In this Webinar we examine the issues of
complex enterprise data integration, especially as more (and larger)
data sets are needed. We'll explain how a service-based approach
using cloud-based data integration can ease the development and
sustainability of data integration without imposing additional
constraints on the enterprise. Attendees will learn about increasing
system and data integration complexity, multi-point complex data
integration challenges, and how to develop a partner-based data
integration strategy.
David Loshin
Events Calendar
August 24 - 27, 2015
Seminar in Seattle // Data Mining and
Visualization: A Hands-On Experience
Seattle, WA
Learn More / Register Now