Wednesday, July 22, 2015 |
News Highlights
Stephen Swoyer
The wait is over: Teradata has itself a
SQL-on-Hadoop strategy. Last month, the high-end data warehousing
specialist announced its support for "Presto," an open source SQL-on-Hadoop query engine first developed by Facebook. For Teradata
customers, a transparent SQL-on-Hadoop query mechanism could open up
data stored in Hadoop to a universe of BI tools.
Aaron Fuller
What's driving our sudden, intense
interest in data management and analytics?
Stephen Swoyer
Start-up Interana proposes to marry the
best aspects of the self-service model with best-in-class event and
time-series processing at scale. The result, its founders claim, is
a single-stack solution that helps analysts ask and answer questions
about events at any single point in time.
Quint Turner
Online articles of interest in the last
week include a focus on big data project best practices, best design
methods for effective BI, how to mitigate data breaches, and the
value of multi-model databases.
TDWI Webinar Series:
Fern Halper
In this Webinar we'll examine trends in
advanced analytics and the technologies that help make it easier to
use. The Webinar also focuses on best practices for getting started
and making use of easy-to-use advanced analytics and the common
pitfalls organizations face in opening up advanced analytics to a
larger community. You'll also understand how you can use collective
intelligence to drive competitive advantage. |
Upcoming Webinars of Interest
David Loshin will discuss what's driving
incremental enterprise data warehouse modernization, examine the
emerging technologies promoted for modernization (including Hadoop
and NoSQL) along with the benefits and drawbacks of each choice, and
provide guidance for creating a blueprint for EDW modernization.
David Loshin
Join this TDWI Webinar to learn research
insights and best practices about visual analytics. The Webinar is
based on TDWI's recently released Best Practices Report, "Visual
Analytics for Making Smarter Decisions Faster." The report features
results from an extensive research survey of business and IT
professionals as well as interviews with users and industry experts.
The Webinar will help you develop a practical strategy for pushing
forward with visual analytics, especially as your organization
pursues trends toward self-service analytics, data preparation, and
operational intelligence, including decision management.
David Stodder
Events Calendar
August 24 - 27, 2015
Seminar in Seattle // Data Mining and Visualization - A Hands-On Experience
Seattle, WA
Learn More / Register Now