Wednesday, June 24, 2015 |
News Highlights
Fern Halper
Text analytics is becoming more
mainstream and interest in it is growing. Here are five basic
things about text analytics you need to know now.
Heine Krog Iversen
Sharply focused KPIs will provide the
best feedback for your enterprise. Here's how to get started.
Linda Briggs
The co-founder of a company that offers
a massively scalable SQL engine for big data applications talks
about dramatic changes in processing and architectures driven by the
Internet of things. Within a few short years, says Splice Machine
CEO Monte Zweben, "you're going to see real-time decision-making and
applications that are truly changing behaviors in the enterprise."
James E. Powell
If you want to maximize the benefits of
your data, you'll need to improve your enterprise's data management
roles -- and possibly create new ones.
Quint Turner
Online articles that caught our eye
examine team-building with data scientists and engineers, choosing
the best in-memory database, securing data to boost analytics, and
data lakes and the future of data warehouses.
TDWI Webinar Series:
David Loshin
Learn about how enterprises can adopt
cloud-based data warehousing and business intelligence as well as
analytics in the cloud. This Webinar explores data integration and
architectural challenges, constrasts cloud-based and on-premises
data warehousing, and explains considerations for cloud DW/BI
vendors. |
Upcoming Webinars of Interest
In this Webinar we'll examine in-memory
computing, hybrid transaction and analytic processing, edge
analytics, cognitive computing, and distributed computing for mesh
analytics -- plus a few surprises.
David Loshin
Get answers to three key questions: What
is a data lake and how does it fit into the existing data
warehousing environment? Why do organizations need a data lake and
what types of project can benefit from one? How does an organization
design, deploy, manage, and govern a data lake?
Colin White
Events Calendar
August 3 - 6, 2015
Seminar in Chicago // Insight and Impact through
Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
Chicago, IL
Learn More / Register Now